Fairtrade creates global impact

Over the last 30 years, Fairtrade has grown and evolved to meet the changing realities of global trade. See the data and the personal stories behind this system that spans more than 70 countries.

Connecting people through commerce

Fair trade is a way of shopping and doing business differently. Together, we can create the world we want to see, one that keeps people and the planet in mind.

Coffee_farmer_Mardiana Mandasari_Indonesia_2021_FI_FLO28568 Global

Over 2 million farmers and workers worldwide are Fairtrade certified


37,000+ products carry the Fairtrade Mark

Vibrant green coffee plants grow in a nursery in Indonesia. This project was funded through Fairtrade Premium funds during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Ethos of Collaboration

$238M+ in Fairtrade Premium was paid to Fairtrade farmers in 2019

Fairtrade delivers tangible impact

Producer Project Map

We have producers across the globe who are part of the Fairtrade movement. Below, you can find some of the projects they have implemented to strengthen their communities.

The system basically uses trade as a tool, making trade fair to achieve a bigger dream, a bigger goal, and it's all about communities, about better living conditions, giving back to the farmers and putting them on the world map.

Gabriel Iso, Fairtrade Papua New Guinea Liaison
Community Building

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Make fair trade part of your everyday life. Find out how you can get involved in the movement to make trade equitable and sustainable.

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