Conscious Step impact

Conscious Step believes they have a responsibility to create clothing that makes you feel good about what you wear. The source 100% Fairtrade and Organic cotton. These values have aligned them with a growing base of conscious consumers, igniting global expansion.

Rigorous environmental, economic, and social standards are followed in order to protect both the cotton farmer and the land the cotton is grown on. Even more, by gifting a pair of Conscious Step socks to yourself or a loved one, you’re donating to vetted, trusted nonprofits tackling the most challenging global issues.

Transparency sparks U.S. market growth

What began in 2016 as a foundational value of simple and transparent manufacturing is now what keeps customers coming back to Conscious Step. A study done by Nielsen found 73% of millennials would pay more for sustainable products compared with 66 percent among all generations.

Increased sales of ethical products, like Conscious Step’s, in the U.S. reflect these trends. In 2017 Fairtrade retail sales in the U.S. topped $1 billion. The U.S. now ranks as the third largest market for Fairtrade goods behind the United Kingdom and Germany.

United in a global reach

While Conscious Step has built loyal fans in the U.S. through both e-commerce sales and retailers like Ten Thousand Villages, they’re not stopping here. They’re expanding sales globally to Australia, Canada, and beyond. Conscious Step is part of 30,000+ Fairtrade certified products sold in 150 countries by 2,400 like-minded Fairtrade brands. Side by side this Fairtrade community are 22 Fairtrade offices worldwide, committed to creating access to Fairtrade products in their markets.

Impact in India

Cotton farmers behind Conscious Step continue to benefit from their growth. By choosing Fairtrade, Conscious Step creates financial sustainability not only for farmers and workers but also for their families and communities in India. Fairtrade cotton farmers, like the ones that help create Conscious Step socks, earn a Fairtrade Premium on top of the cost of the cotton. Funds are often spent towards community projects like building schools, wells, and infrastructure.

It begins with self-awareness.

Prashant Mehta Founder of Conscious Step

Self-awareness lies in the clear aspiration of the student featured in this photo, who wants to be an engineer one day. Her own school was built with Fairtrade Premiums in India.

Every Conscious Step sock, whether it’s sold in Australia, the U.S., or Canada, is supporting her in realizing this dream!

Learn more about Fairtrade Certified cotton

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