2023 Fairtrade America Consumer Insights

The results of our biennial research, conducted by independent firm GlobeScan, show remarkable momentum for Fairtrade in the US. Recognition, trust and understanding of the impact of Fairtrade certification all continue to rise rapidly as US shoppers prioritize people and the planet with their purchasing decisions.

Consumers recognize and trust Fairtrade


+118% growth since 2019 in US consumers who recognize the Fairtrade label

Independently Certified

72% of US shoppers trust the Fairtrade Mark


91% of US shoppers who know Fairtrade regularly or occasionally buy certified products

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You’ll find the 2023 Fairtrade America Consumer Insights report here.

If you have any questions, our team would be glad to chat! Contact us at questions@fairtradeamerica.org or fill out our “Get Started” form to begin exploring certification options for your company.