Two people in a grocery store comparing Fairtrade coffee.


From 2019-2023, consumer awareness of The Fairtrade Mark jumped 118%! That’s in no small part due to the many individuals a groups who help spread the fair trade movement. Advocates just like you are hosting event, creating groups, posting on social media, creating fair trade towns, or simply telling their friends and family.

We appreciate your work, and we want to support your efforts. You’ll find some resources for your advocacy. You can always feel free to reach out to us at if you have any requests or questions.

Join the movement

Help spread the word

  • The Fairtrade Mark

    Look for The Fairtrade Mark

    More than 80% of shoppers we surveyed reported that they were willing to pay more so producers got a fair price. But shoppers need to know what to look for. Show the world how simple it can be to shop your values, simply by looking for The Fairtrade Mark.

  • Artist Muhammad Yungai standing in front of his mural of cocoa farmer Agnes Senesie in Atlanta, Georgia.

    Share the Fairtrade murals

    Since 2020, we have been working with farmers to share their stories through art during Fairtrade Month. Each year, we have three local artists in three US cities paint three farmers’ portraits on the side of a store. We hope to connect consumers to the people behind their food.

    See the murals