Our Values
Our team in the US is committed to continuous growth. We regularly take a look at our internal practices to figure out new ways of collaborating more effectively with one another. In all that we do, we prioritize:
- Curiosity
- Sustainability
- Optimism
- Trust
- Empathy
- Excellence

Fairtrade’s mission is to connect disadvantaged producers and consumers, promote fairer trading conditions and empower producers to combat poverty, strengthen their position and take more control over their lives. Our vision is a world in which all producers can enjoy secure and sustainable livelihoods, fulfill their potential and decide on their future.
We are committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion
Fairtrade America recognizes that being inclusive is about action. Therefore, we are not only advocating for justice, equality and non-discrimination for farmers and workers in low- and middle-income countries, but also within our own organization and with commercial partners, governments and the communities where Fairtrade products are produced and purchased.
Learn more about Fairtrade

The Fairtrade Difference
Fairtrade makes a tangible impact in farming communities around the world. Find out more about the difference between fair trade and unfair trade, and what these practices mean for people in the Global South.

Explore the Issues
Trade is an essential lever for sustainable long-lasting change. Learn how buying Fairtrade products affects issues like gender equality, child labor, workers' rights and the environment.

Get Certified
Fair trade can offer a competitive advantage for your company. It adds transparency and creates more sustainable farming communities around the world. Find out what certification can do for your business.
I am afraid of nothing because I know how to manage my money. I am stronger. I am a leader of many people now and know I can do things on my own.
Rosine, Cocoa Farmer from Cote d'Ivoire