J Muzacz in front of his Fairtrade mural

Celebrate Fairtrade Month!

October is Fairtrade Month, and we are celebrating everyone who makes Fairtrade happen – including you! Every product you certify with Fairtrade helps shift the balance of trade so farmers get a better deal. Together, we are Fairtrade.

Join us in reminding people across the US & Canada that we all have an incredible opportunity to create the world we want!

Fairtrade coffee drying
We Are Fairtrade

Choosing Fairtrade is more than buying and selling products, more than being a business partner, an advocate, or farmer. When we choose Fairtrade, we participate in a vision for a better world – a world where farmers and workers have an equal seat at the table. We become part of a movement for change that makes a difference. We embody Fairtrade’s values of equality, dignity, and respect. We are Fairtrade.

Join the Fairtrade Month Celebrations!

This October, show off your commitment to people and planet and help customers shop their values.

We are Fairtrade

On October 1st, we’re launching the ‘We are Fairtrade’ Campaign across the US and Canada. With public art, in-store activations and digital storytelling, we hope to increase overall awareness and support for Fairtrade certified products.