Choosing Fairtrade is choosing the world you want.

But how? Fairtrade works to rebalance trade, making it a system rooted in partnership and mutual respect rather than exploitation.

It’s about businesses, shoppers, farmers and workers all partnering together so we can all experience the benefits of trade.

How Fairtrade works

Fairtrade puts more money into the hands of farmers and workers through a unique pricing model, sets and monitors rigorous standards at every step of the supply chain, supports producers through local and regional expert networks, and creates demand for ethical goods in countries like the US.

This shift makes a difference

Over the past 30 years, making the terms of trade more fair has had a tangible impact on farming communities around the world.

Ethos of Collaboration

$2+ billion is the amount Fairtrade farmers and workers have earned in Premium over the last decade.

banana worker Farmer's Empowerment

$120,000 is the average amount each Fairtrade producer organization receives in Fairtrade Premium.

Field of small banana plants in the Dominican Republic. Business-Farm Improvements

41% of small-scale producer organizations invest their Premium in services to members like new farming equipment and direct payments.

Growth and Innovation

70%+ of Fairtrade farmers have diversified their income.

How can you get involved?